• Our vision is being the most reliable and innovative consultant to place/choose the right candidate for the right vacancy at the committed lead time.

 Permanent staffing

Permanent staffing is a way to build a team which can drive the business forward. With large MNCs entering into the Indian market, permanent staffing has grown in key industries such as IT and FMCG. The emergence of AI and Cloud based technologies has led to the increase in demand of skillful permanent employees. If you are looking to hire employees to drive your business forward,  Agaram can provide you the best solutions for permanent staffing within the specified time and budget.. 

Contract Staffing

In today’s changing workforce, the use of contract employees is becoming more prevalent. Companies often hire contract employees for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they are steering their business in a new direction or sometimes an organization would require some extra pair of hands to fulfill a project or sometimes there can be a budget issue or sometimes they need specific skill set employees for time being which the internal employees do not have. In most of the cases contract employees are a useful solution. 

Temp-to-Perm Staffing

The Temp-Perm staffing known as “try before you hire” concept is a strategic approach under which the contract employees  (on agency’s payroll) are hired on a permanent basis (on company’s payroll) if the companies find them a best fit . The primary benefit for the employer is that it gives a chance to evaluate the potential of the employee, before they invest on the employee for the long-run.​

If our client considers a contract employee on our payroll a good fit as a Permanent hire for them, we can get the process done with a mutually beneficial deal.

RPO Services

The most in-demand services in the recruitment industry–RPO. Recruitment Process Outsourcing means contracting your organization's recruitment needs to a third-party company. The RPO provider can provide some or all the functions of the recruitment process such as sourcing, arranging interviews, background checks, campus recruitment etc. Looking for a short-term Recruiter?
Our RPO services can help you save the hiring cost and support the entire cycle of your recruitment process. We can place the best recruitment expertise for IT, Sales, Accounting or any other specific type of hiring needed.

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Do not hesitate to contact us with any queries.